
How to become a vendor?

admin February 28, 2017
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  1. How do you upload my products on your site?

    中添加包含所有必要文件的归档 vendor’s profile.

  2. Where can I find theme requirements?

    你可以在这里找到所有关于主题设计和技术细节的指导方针: Product Archive Structure Requirements.

  3. What theme topics are the most preferable?

    We welcome all types of products that you send us. 我们还根据您的个人资料页面的请求,通过电子邮件发送首选主题列表. You can subscribe to our newsletter 随时更新我们的新闻和市场上最受欢迎的产品.

  4. How can I send you a signed vendor agreement?

    You can scan it or take a photo of your signed vendor agreement and email it to Download the agreement here.

  5. How do you check the theme before it gets on your site?


    • 营销审查(检查产品在市场中的相关性);
    • Design Review (design verification);
    • Copyright review (basic verification of a vendor’s rights to use a product for commercial purposes; checking a product’s uniqueness);
    • QA review (verifying a product’s correct operation);
    • Code Review (code verification);
    • 准备上传(产品已准备好上传到网站上);
    • Upload in Progress;
    • Uploaded.

    If your product doesn’t meet the marketplace requirements, 然后,您将收到进一步调整的建议或拒绝在市场上销售您的产品,并且没有跟进权 revision.

  6. How will I receive theme upload notifications?

    If your theme doesn’t pass any of the verification stages, 我们将通过电子邮件通知您,并提供后续建议 revision. 当您的主题将在网站上发布时,您也将收到通知.

  7. 在经过验证和批准后,将主题上传到您的网站需要多长时间?


  8. 独家产品和非独家产品有什么区别?

    Exclusive themes are sold on our marketplace only. 非独家产品可以在我们的网站和其他资源上分发.

  9. 我可以同时出售专属和非专属主题吗?

    Yes, you can sell both.

  10. What if I violate exclusivity rules?

    According to the agreement, if you violate the exclusivity rules, 你需要从除了Templateog体育首页之外的所有网站上删除主题.com. 否则我们会将您的主题状态更改为“非独占”, with a further recalculation of the amount of sales.

  11. What commission will I get? Will it depend on sales volume?

    非独家产品的供应商从主题成本中获得40%的提成. 独家主题供应商收取的佣金视销量而定:

    • $0+ — 50%
    • $1 000+ — 53%
    • $2 000+ — 55%
    • $4 000+ — 57%
    • $8 000+ — 58%
    • $16 000+ — 60%
    • $32 000+ — 62%
    • $64 000+ — 64%
    • $75 000+ — 65%
    • $100 000+ — 70%
  12. How is a theme price made? Can I influence the pricing of my themes?

    模板的成本是在产品通过所有验证阶段后创建的. 这取决于主题的质量和所提供的服务. A vendor can adjust the offered price by up to 15%.

  13. 我可以改变主题价格后,它上传到你的网站?

    是的,您可以通过电子邮件提交更改主题成本的请求 Later on, this option will be available in the vendor’s profile.

  14. 你们的促销活动和折扣是否适用于我的主题?

    If you prefer, your themes can participate in our promos. 为了让你的主题也参与到促销活动中, 请在注册时勾选“我希望我的主题参与Templateog体育首页的促销活动”. 如果不勾选此字段,则所有主题都可以免费购买. 如欲开始/停止参与促销活动,请电邮至

  15. 如果主题参与促销或在促销活动中出售,我如何衡量我的收入 discount?


  16. How often and how will I get payments?

    您将在每月25日至30日通过 PayPal, Skrill, Payneer, Wire. 如果您的账户上有至少100美元,您将收到一笔付款. Cash transfer fee is paid by the recipient.

  17. Where can I check my themes sales stats?


  18. Will our clients be provided with your pre-sales support?


  19. 销售部门会和其他产品一起推荐我的主题吗?


  20. 我可以提供任何与主题相关的附加服务吗?

    No, you cannot provide any additional services.

  21. 客户端在购买主题时将获得哪些许可?


    • SINGLE-SITE LICENSE. It allows a client to use one theme on one website. If a client wants to use one theme on several sites, he will need to purchase the same theme once again.

    • DEVELOPER LICENSE. 它允许客户端在多达5个不同的网站或多达5个不同的项目上安装一个主题.

    • BUYOUT LICENSE. 此许可保证模板将不再在Templateog体育首页的目录中或向其他用户购买. 客户端在购买买断许可后不能重新分发/转售主题.

    • GPL LICENSE. After purchasing a template, a client is allowed to copy, 修改和重新分发(包括商业用途)产品. 客户还应保证所有附属产品的所有者将被授予上述权利.

  22. 获得主题退款的程序是什么?

    When a client requests a refund, his request goes to the Ticket System, where it should be resolved by the vendor in the shortest period of time. If a vendor 不能设法解决问题并与客户达成协议, the request goes to the Customer Care manager for a final resolution. If a client gets a refund, then the vendor 他会偿还这个主题的佣金吗.

  23. Can I promote products that are not listed on your site?

    It’s strictly forbidden to promote competitors’ products, 所以你不能向你的客户提供那些市场上没有的产品.

This entry was posted in Marketplace and tagged marketplace, rules, vendor. Bookmark the permalink.

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